Miscellaneous Photos

We'll be posting odd and ends photos here. Photos we have no other place for but is worth sharing.

Party Photos Vacation Photos Field Trips and Outings Miscellaneous Photos
Just Chillin'

Sisters: Claudia and Stefanie  Severine, Claudia, Stefanie, Peggy, Madalena, Jimmy, Vicky  Manfred and Severine  Jimmy, Annika, Emilie, Manfred, Severine
Tim, Erich, Szabi, Jimmy  At Virgil's Party in Bethesda  Marie and Ariane  Andrea, Marie, Stefanie
Sisters: Regina, Clausia, Mandy, Helle, Victoria 

Mary, Kathrin, Susanne, Helle, Jimmy  The Argentines, Pepi, Dan, Peyton  Miriam, Raila, Mette, Szabi, Helle, Shervin  After Hours 
Adam, Leticia, Manfred, Jimmy  Dasha, Graciela, Madalena, Luis, Jana, Pepi  Helle, Erika, Mette

Odds and Ends

Haloween in Georgetown  All the Regulars know what this is all about  Szabi's Lovely Girlfriend: Rita  Peyton's Birthday Present
Szabi and Charlie  Szabi's Portfolio  Leticia in Brazil  Karaoke at Sharks Bethesda
Marie and Ariane with kids